5 more papers to go padehal..
da sesibok nak planning
planning in advanced..biase ah..
1) Seeking for House!..arrgghh..hopefully jumpe yg fully furnished..sonang..contract ngan hostel da tammat...so,saje gatal nak duk umah.ngeee...
2) Makan KFC kaT venlo,Holland...ngeh2.biase ah.papehal..fuel for Life.hee..huhu.we are craving for Uncle Colonel nye ayam goreng stelah kian lame..haiizz..cant wait
3) Then 3rd mission nak ke Frankfurt!..hurrahh.actually i n Naja (suke2 nak rename Najwa turn to Naja..layaann) je yg ade purpose nak ke sana..hehe.wanna shop some of Harley Davidson stuff..haha.abah sabar heh..nnt anakanda bwk balik some cool harley stuff from jemen.ngeh2...
4) Thesis2..haiiizz..Search for tajuk and gettng started.
5) lalalallalala...kerja...pfenin kepala memikirkn x ada kerja...nak carik part time job ah...in order to collect money for Euro Trip and go back to Mesia for my sis wedding(a big hope..i da start berangan neh nak balik Mesia...ooohhh..bestnye~~)
6) and last but not least..ngeh2..nak abiskan bace Novel!!..haiiizz..addicted ah lak..nih pengaroh rakan sebaya ah nih..ngeh2...alamak!..kanToi ah babe..lupe nak cter kat korang...aku bli novel nih kat amazon.hahahha..murah mehh..novel nih lame pong.thats why ade diskon kott..
-Can You Keep A Secret? bBy Sophie Kinsella
-Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
-Natural Born Charmer by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
sekian proposal saya..ngeh2...chao
-marni yuna <-- terpengaruh ngan Yunalis jap...haiizz..her song pretty damn cool..i bet u..clink on the links at the right side..catchy~
1 comment:
bile lak ko bli buku kat amazon. cacat tul, sesenyap eh? mmg pengaruh rakan sebaya r ko ni wakkakaka ak de lg 3 wei xabes bce. cmno nih haih ~ satu bwk g london.. lgi dua??? euro trip kaa
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