Just finish exam yesterday,then today got an appointment with geotechnic's lecturer.
Diplom Ing. Lars Vavrina (Lecturer ensem,but then mude2 da beruban..ekekkeke..noty ^^p )
I plan to snap some pictures at city after the class,but then...huuu...raining..
actually i just love the scene when got a musician playing their instrument at the street...
waalllaaahhh...they perform much2 better than recording artist..haha..uuppss..
takpe lah..mayb the next someday..heee (a big hope, a few days the weather just hot..instead of today,raining at evening...i forget to check the forecast..haiiizz)
So sempat snap some pictures at UNI.
dah nak abis study laahhh...haiiizz...
u will be tagged on following pic..ngeh2
xsempat nak bajet2 duk kat belah mn..ekekeke
Im sure, this moments will be missed..studying+enjoying with friends....UDE's friends.muny, naja, kyah n pei tze..thanks a loads for being my f.r.i.e.n.d.s...and i think, buddies is more appropriate..we share everything.
gado2 n kecik2 ati nih dah biase ngan diaorng..hahha...such of this makes me though and mature in through up the L.I.F.E...appreciate with existed and the most important is live life to the fullest..
"When the dog bites, when the bee stings..this is not a completely shit..life is full of highs and lows"
Suddenly..jump into diet topic lak...
hahhaha...gler rojak..
i nak diet lah!
but when???
tomoro Israk n Mikraj
thanks to 'belalang'...i almost forget!
haiiizz...seb bek.
time ade ksempatan nih la nak pose.
huuu..if not, then bler lagi
plus,fasting is good for your health and digestion rite?? (with smugging face..ekekke)
haaa..i got some text bout crash diet...
i know a crash diet. but remember, crash diet is not a healthy way.
it is a seven day diet.
The healthier effective diet is eating low fat, low curbs.
so, dare to implement?
self determination is required.
i wanna lose weight
day 1: eat only fruits, do not try to have any banana or coconut water. have fruits when you feel hungry throughout the day. drink a lot of water.
day 2: eat only vegetables. cook them with a very little oil. do not try cheese, butter.drink a lot of water.
day 3: eat fruits and vegetables. drink a lot of water.
day 4: today's menu - 8 bananas and 3 glasses of low fat milk. eat only this and not more than this. drink a lot of water.
day 5: have vegetable soup, fruits, tomatoes.
day 6: try a piece of chicken cooked with lots of vegetables in your lunch. have vegetable soup throughout the day.
day 7: try a piece of chicken cooked with lots of vegetables with a cup of plain rice in your lunch. and go for vegetable soup and fruits throughout the day.
on the 8th day you will find that you have lost 5-6 lbs. after this 7days diet, go to your normal eating routine. you can try this diet once a month.
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