Wednesday, February 20, 2008

'mahlzeit' - meal..

today..i wanna talk bout meal..hihii..wat else...

'Halb Haenchen' or ayam separoh..haha..glamer ayam nih di kalangan kiteorg..
Rase sekali pasti nak lagi..kire nih tuk substitute ayam KFC..huhuh

menu mensa 'kartofeln' (fries) and 'tagessuppe' (daily soup)

'tagessuppe' and 'Gemuese' (Vegetables)

menu biase di 'mensa'-cafe at University
nih jus side dish.'kartefeln'-kentang goreng and 'spinat'-spinach .kalo main dish normally we take vegitarian la pe lagi..huhu
and palig bes skali bile ade Fish..huu kat Doishlan ni ssh nak jmpe fish..

normaly i took dis for bekpes..huu.but stelah kian lame..buhsan..

bubo kacang green ..waawa..mengidam..kekdang terpilih jgak menu nih..nih menu mase wat Farewell party tuk kak Nurik yg da balik Mesia..cuss kak nurik..nak balik jgak!..i miss Mesia!!

Murtabak..hahha..we got dis idea when kak Nadia served dis for us..mase besday party anak dia we all try..humm..not a bad trial..

huuu..we had tried turkey's meal..'Doenertelle, pommes und Salat'
Mase neh,Prof Azah from JKEES had visited us Double Degree student Batch 2007/08 then belanje we all mkn2 at 'Hanedan'.huhu..danke cun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

atak ni kl xckp pasal makan xsah...