Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hectic week~

haaaiiihhh the hectic week..

Tomorrow at 9,32am i have to rush, nak catch Bus uni sbb nak ke Rheinisher Platz (tempat yg femes dgn makanan asia) tuk membeli ingredients for 'Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri 08'...
Cuba anda bayangkan..kekalutan yg kami alami utk memasak for 30 guests..egeggeegege..

Hopefully everythng will going smoothly..Actually this Open house are multi-event ceremony (untuk meminimize kan budget 2008) dimana di dlmnya terkandung event berikut :
-Celebrating Eid for Double Degree
-Welcoming UKM-UDE Juniors
-Birthday celebrating for Keeh Wee and Ah Hock
-Celebrating Eid with 10 friends from Hamburg, Osnabrueck and Clasthaul.They will come to Essen on this Saturday and will stay at Essen for 1 night..(and scarily, all of them are GUYS!..huh..pfeloh2)

Friday (10 Oct 2008)

Buy the ingredients for Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri..
Menus to be prepared :
1) Main dishes :
- Nasi Beryani
- Ayam Masak Merah
- Dalca
- Arca
- Pappadam

2) Desserts :
- Egg Tarts
- Cocktails

3) Carrot Cake (for Birthday boy and girl)

4) Beverages :
- River Cola(tuk replace air Coke-haha..bole la,plus murah!0,28 sen sebotol..hikhik)
- Mineral Water
- Mineral Wasser mit Kohlensauere (mineral water with gas- i do liking this water..sebab can clean up ur mouth from 'kemuakan' selepas makan..just like ENO kot.. )

So, hebat x persembahan kami?(smug face)..ekekekke..huff..hope we can make it guys..based on our past experience.haahaha..

Saturday (11 Oct 2008)

Humm..for Saturday plak, we all plan to go to Koeln (Cologne) and Duesseldorf(capital city of Nordrhein Westphalia) in order to entertain member2 from Hamburg, Osnabrueck and Clasthaul tuh..

Actually only one out of 10 tuh my x-classmate,then rest of them 2nd degree friends..thehehhee..

Getting around Koeln
- Dome / Cathedral
- Hardrock café Koeln
- Choclate Museum - entrance fees : approx 4-6 euro
(highly experienced guides to show you round the Museum and reveal the secrets
of chocolate production in an informative and entertaining manner)
- Rathaus/ Altstadt

Getting around Duesseldorf
- enjoying the view at riverside (Rhein Fluss)
- sightseeing - magnificent structures building
z.B : Der Neue Zollhoff, Dues Tower, etc

Mayb we back to Essen by 8.Then kene prepare tuk esok plak (Rumah terbuka)..hufff kene prepare some food cam Dalca and cocktails..sbb we dont have enough apparatus to be work,terpakse buat phase by phase..

Alamak!...We will be missed the very 'important event'-Open House at Krefeld..haiihhh..apsal lah diorg wat this Saturday...xdapat makn pree..
Neway danke ye kak Uteh coz invite we all..sory we couldnt attend that event..sigh~
Naj n kyah xde chance la nak cari jodoh kat Krefeld.ekekekkeke...melepas babe~

Sunday (12 Oct 2008)

The day has comes.
This Event will be started at 10am till 2pm..
Maybe we will start cooking around 8,30 or 9am...subject to change..(bergantung pd kekuatan fizikal dan mental yg ade)InsyaAllah..bole~...kene wake up early ~..masak2(gaya sinchan)

Kita akan melaksanakan Kerahab Tenaga Rakyat (KTR).Dimana segelintir tetamu akan dikerah tenaganya bagi menggoreng 60 ketul ayam dengan menggunakan 3 pan yg kecik dan agak mencabar kesabaran,,,haiihhh..we have no choice babe..

I dpt imagine kesibukan di dapur ..dimana crews yg terlibat sibuk menyediakan juadah..Maybe certain of them akan di kuarantin di dlm bilik utk mengelakkn kekecohan di kitchen(sambil diumpan dengan MONOPOLI GAME EDISI EUROPE..huahahha..mereka pasti tertawan)..takut bewohner (residents) lain akan mengkomplen..

-Semoga semua akan berjalan lancar + persembahan terhebat menjdi + semua gembira +mengertakan silaturrahim- amen~

Upps i hampir lupa...on this Sunday jgak my Friend(x-classmate jgak nih..sorry most of my x-classmate adalah berjantina 'MALE' dsbb kan oleh kursus yg diambil dahulu kebnyakan nya lebih menjerumus kpd male's interest...thehehhe), Uncle=Luku=Bobo=Lukman Hakim Khazalle will arrived at Munich Airport.He got courses to be attended.Sorry, i couldnt manage to meet you.Its too far babe~....haiih kat South germany sane~..huhu..mau 9jam nek train..

Just wish you all d best for the course and have a blast~
Enjoy Germany~

Monday (13 Oct 2008)

Prof Lesny nak jmpe!..egeggeeg..x abes lg bace material..alamk!..
cane nihh..haiihh...hopefully i can manage to meet her and discuss somethng bout thesis progress..haiihh.cayok2!!

Dont forget to text Gemma.Maybe i will work on the evening.- i got no money in my pocket~~~-

-Marny YuNA-

1 comment:

jOan of arc said...

wahwahwah hectic ke ngeh2...

cacat2 (gaye sinchan) owh kire ko mmg nk umpan dorg men monopoly ke..

gegegegelabah labu ~ ahahahaah bole2.. sewa 5 euro sejam ekekeke

hurm poning2.. byk nye nak masak ~ slumber nk goreng aym time malam. tampo kang. haih

pape pong cayok ~