pergghh gler lame x post.thehehehe...BZ2.ade jek aktvt sampingan .then balik pfenat...boooppp...tdo..hehe.
last wednesday,27th August we went to Frankfurt which is the largest city in the German state of Hesse, in central Germany.
Frankfurt famous for its futuristic skyline and international airport.Best!
Rase cam kat KL lak bcos German nih mn ade byk skyscrapers.U only find it at Frankfurt.
This place absolutely different than other city in German. Kalau x, the typical city of German..we will find City Hall (RatHaus), Dome or Church, then street shopping.Buhsan..ngeh2
Ni lah the cheapest and shortest trip day travel.from 8,12am till 2am sampai kat bilik. Approx journey time to Frankfurt is about 4 hrs if no delays from our place.Agak jauh JB-KL..but then sini nek train..hihi..transit pong 3x jek.
Lunch time, jalan2 cr tmpat makan.Ingt nak makan Doener je..somekind of kebab lah.turkish food..then mase searching for food tuh terjmpe malaysian.Chinese from KL.gler lame duk German.almost 17 yrs.OMG...FYI, dia nih one of employee kat Chinese Restaurant.gler salute leh open bussines kat deutschland.egeggeeggegee....dia slumber tegur ktorg..dgn slang cinenye.
'mau pigi mane?, sudah makan belom?.mari2 saya tunjuk kamu tempat mkn'...pung pang pung pang...(nih kami borak2 ah ngan dia)...
Kami da cuak.alamak!da lah kate lom makan.then pfeloh2.tataw nak mkn ke x.halal kah?haiiizz...for the safe side, we al order vegetarish and side dish.haiizzz..nak ckp2 melayu dia phm lak kang...sonyap je lah..
nih ah chinese tuh..'u mari sana, belok kiri, tak jauh meh..mari2 saya tunjuk.harga baik' kate perempuan itu..3 org wanita bingung itu mengiyakan..lalu mengikut shj chinese itu...
pung..pang..pung.pang..discus2..Kyah and me share a plate of Nasi Goreng..
OMG..gler besar.makan sorng x sharing lah.sodap.thumbs up..just like mamak stall punye..haiizz.then about the price lak.i told u ah (gaya Joo Ee) murah babe.4,10 euro jek...layan
nih Pisang goreng with Honey and almond.naj's dish..
and this one Popiah a.k.a 'Fruhling rolle'..len skit rase dia..layan gak..i and muny order for this menu..hakhak..muny terpakse order.dia bwk bekal mee hoon..ratu mee hoon ah minah nih..senyap2 bwk outside food makan sini..lastly kantoi..
nih teh free..haiizz rase dia pelik bunge melor yg indian wat sembahyang tuh.
Kyah suke.hhahahah..dia yg abiskan portion ktorg..haizz xleh blah ah..nih kakak india tuh...dia baik ati tuangkan air tuk kami..ekekkeke
Next place, Harley Davidson factory store..hahhaha..actually nih ah one of my main mission.nak cr HD's stuffs tuk abah.pfeloh2 nak pilih..
agk lame ah kat cnih.1.5 hrs we spent for shoppng and snap some pictures.
tadaaa..da abis shopping..lalallalala..
'mau pigi mane?, sudah makan belom?.mari2 saya tunjuk kamu tempat mkn'...pung pang pung pang...(nih kami borak2 ah ngan dia)...
Kami da cuak.alamak!da lah kate lom makan.then pfeloh2.tataw nak mkn ke x.halal kah?haiiizz...for the safe side, we al order vegetarish and side dish.haiizzz..nak ckp2 melayu dia phm lak kang...sonyap je lah..
OMG..gler besar.makan sorng x sharing lah.sodap.thumbs up..just like mamak stall punye..haiizz.then about the price lak.i told u ah (gaya Joo Ee) murah babe.4,10 euro jek...layan
Kyah suke.hhahahah..dia yg abiskan portion ktorg..haizz xleh blah ah..nih kakak india tuh...dia baik ati tuangkan air tuk kami..ekekkeke
Actually we dont have enough time to explore Frankfurt.We just go around the city and took some nice pictures.Then, we got found some muslims from U.K...which are Tunisian (if im not mistaken..thehhee) and migrate to UK due to the working reason.Somehow, ktorg sempat asked some question..bout London..hihi..we will b there soon.This coming raya!..ohhh..i cant wait..
Kindly, that couple also leave us the contact number if we need any assistance when arrive London.
haaiiihhh..sleepy now.But then, i must prepared for the next paper..huhuhu.(Dont snooze the buTton...finish ur work 1st..haiihh..byk kali da postpone)...ZZZzZZZ
Kindly, that couple also leave us the contact number if we need any assistance when arrive London.
haaiiihhh..sleepy now.But then, i must prepared for the next paper..huhuhu.(Dont snooze the buTton...finish ur work 1st..haiihh..byk kali da postpone)...ZZZzZZZ